Black Adder Electronics

Black Adder Electronics Universal Replacement Band Board

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This unit can be used to replace all Galaxy DX Radios Band Boards.
Standard Component EPT004410Z and SMT (Surface Mount Technology) EPT004410A.

This board is a Direct Replacement for either unit and does not require soldering traces or removing wires. Simply unplug the cables from the old or defective board and insert them into the Universal Band Board connectors.
Set the 10 Meter jumper plug on the board for the frequency range of choice and away you go.
No need to spend hours tracing out defects, or worrying about replacing surface mount parts.
The Board will replace both units because it has both style connectors on board. The board is made from high quality fiberglass material, it uses all brand name components, and the adder chips are in machine pin sockets for easy replacement. The unit comes with full instructions and schematic.
Easy Plug and Play installation.

Factory Information Sheet